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The version of Mob Football played in Co Durham, Cornwall and the Scottish Borders is known as ‘Hurling’. To tell the truth it is much the same except for a smaller hard ball, about the size of a cricket ball. There is a certain amount of hurling but the essential difference is that it can be easily concealed and ‘smuggled’ so cunning more than brute force tends to win the day. The Ball Game at Sedgefield starts and ends with the ball being passed three times through the bullring on the village green. The start is ceremonial but the finish is hard fought with a winner acclaimed. The game has evolved from its original contest between Town and Country due to changing village circumstances but residents consider it essential to carry, kick or touch the ball at least once, for luck. In Jedburgh they play Hand Ba’ (or Jethart Ba’) between Uppies and Doonies. There are multiple games with the result decided by which side wins the most. The boys, up to 15 years old, play at noon and the men at 2pm. This is the biggest and best known of several Hand Ba’ games in the border country, and very popular. Far away down in Cornwall ‘hurling’ was once widespread. According to legend the large group of standing stones on Bodmin Moor is called the Hurlers because they are men turned to stone for playing the game on Sunday. Now two games remain, at St Columb Major and St Ives, both played with a wooden ball covered with silver.